Friday 26 February 2016

Location location location

The most recent lecture we had was based around the idea of use typography in way finding. In the lent literal sense this would mean the use of signs and symbols to get from point A to point B, but also using the text of everyday - the signs of shops and familiar surroundings to help you get around a new city or new place.

This idea has inspired lots of art, and was something that sparked my interest a lot. There was a type of research that required walking around the streets of a town or city, writing down every piece of text seen on that walk, and this has been turned into a form of art by many people, using the signs and text on a piece of paper that if you added enough would form the roads and paths you walked down. I really like this idea, and there are is so much text everyone in this day and age that i believe if you got 3 different people down the same route and asked them to write down all the text they saw that you would get 3 entirely different results; because like all art it is based on individual interpretation, the text that they wrote down would be the most prominent or the most important based on their life and their experiences.

This idea of using text and type in a very literal sense has sparked ideas for my own research project, in relation to the way text is used in itself, using important words and phrases to create image, to create art.

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