Friday 22 April 2016

Textual Communities

There is the idea of textual communities being a collective effort, creating membership and exclusivity, as well as association and participation.

Typography has a place within these communities; from my perspective mainly in the form of documentation or signs.

I can see how the signs and documentations for the communities such as clubs and societies create structure, and in that way structure helps to hold the communities together.

Monday 18 April 2016

Language Machines

This has been my favourite lecture by far, because it was really helpful for the subject matter i plan on creating my research essay around.

The idea of images being used as an alphabet, and text being used as image, being comletely contrasted by each other, and are in complete opposite of each other. Artists are taking a medium and using it for its completely opposite purpose, and i really like that idea!

The term 'visual chaos' i also really love, and like that that stretches right across anything.

A few examples of the kind of things i will probably look at in my essay:

Anamorphoses typography

typography art