Friday 4 March 2016

Is the problem us?

The idea that all design is subjective, and determined by the political, social or cultural elemtns of the time period it was created, is an interesting concept.

I always thought that by knowing a little historical or cultural context about a apinting or other piece of art helped to understand the painting itself, so when this idea was brought up i was intrigued with how far this went in terms of typography.

However i dont see this as a problem. Although the idea of us humans having an affect on the context of work, seems a little ridiculous. We are the creators of this work after all, and are bound to have an effect on the work, so why make a problem out of it? But that may be me being too literal.

Typographic protesting, and using words as weapons is another elements that brings me back to word as art, as political art is a massive thing and often uses word and form to enhance that.